
The command \xtofrom{abc} is used in LaTeX to create an extensible arrow with labels 'a', 'b', and 'c'. This command is particularly useful in mathematical expressions where you want to indicate a transformation or mapping from one element to another, with additional context or conditions provided by the labels. The arrow can be stretched to accommodate the labels, making it versatile for various mathematical notations.


Indicates a transformation from A to B with conditions or functions f, g, and h.

A \xtofrom{f}{g}{h} B

Represents a mapping from x to y with parameters or constraints \alpha, \beta, and \gamma.

x \xtofrom{\alpha}{\beta}{\gamma} y

Describes a process from P to Q with stages labeled as start, process, and end.

P \xtofrom{\text{start}}{\text{process}}{\text{end}} Q