
The symbol \vartriangleright is used to denote a binary relation that is often interpreted as 'is a successor of' or 'is greater than' in certain algebraic structures. It is commonly used in order theory and other mathematical contexts to represent a specific type of relational operation.


Element 'a' is related to element 'b' by the \vartriangleright relation, often meaning 'a' is a successor of 'b'.

a \vartriangleright b

A chain of relations where 'x' is related to 'y' and 'y' is related to 'z' by the \vartriangleright relation.

x \vartriangleright y \vartriangleright z

If 'p' is related to 'q' by \vartriangleright, then 'p' is not equal to 'q', indicating a strict relation.

p \vartriangleright q \Rightarrow p \neq q